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2014 Winners

Water Sustainability

Start Without Them

Griffin Powell

Fleming Island High School, Fleming Island, FL

Griffin Powell is a ninth grader at Fleming Island High School in Fleming Island, Florida. He learned about the contest from his AP Human Geography teacher and was inspired to participate because of his interest in filmmaking and also because the Water Sustainability category struck a chord with him. “We’re going to run out of water in Florida and we don’t have a plan to fix it.” Griffin sees this as an issue that is not unique to his state. “With a larger population there is more of a demand to take the water out of the aquifers.”

Griffin’s inspiration for his video came on the drive home from school one day, while his dad was listening to “19,” an 80s song with an electro beat interspersed with clips from radio broadcasts. Griffin liked the effect and so his dad suggested he create a video around this concept. Griffin searched for a song with a similar beat and blended it with audio, video clips, and graphics in an eclectic way. The result is a video that combines facts on water and population growth with an underlying sense of urgency and need for action.

“Start without Them” is only Griffin’s second video to date. However, he is considering using his prize money towards a documentary he and his father want to make about their local water plant. Or he may use it to buy his first car when he turns sixteen next year.

Start Without Them

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