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2012-2013 Winners

Food Security

Don’t Waste Our Food

Nick Kleine-Tebbe

Riverside High School, Chattaroy, WA

Nick Kleine-Tebbe is in the eleventh grade and currently attending Riverside High School in Chattaroy, WA. His bio-med teacher first told him about the contest because of Nick’s interest in film and enrollment in a video class. Nick says that he decided to take part in the contest because he “just likes to make videos” and while he knew a bit about population, he wanted to learn more. Regarding the topic of food security, Nick remembers how he discovered “that one-third of food was wasted and it was very surprising.” This ah-ha moment was what inspired his waste-focused video.

Before starting on the video, Nick knew he wanted it to stand out and be unique. “I didn’t just want to say the facts and thought food would be a good medium” he explains. He wanted to use actual food to help illustrate the facts and statistics about food waste. Creating the time lapse portion of his PSA was the hardest part of the process. Nick set up a camera to take a picture of the rotting fruit every 8-minutes for over a week to get the shot he wanted.

An exchange student from Germany, Nick has been in the States since this beginning of the school year, staying with a host family. In his free time, he likes to work with 3-D modeling and is even considering a career path in the design field after he graduates. With the prize money, Nick might purchase some new camera equipment or will perhaps put it towards a computer.

Don’t Waste Our Food

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