Tips for Online Fundraising

  • Follow up with funders via email
    • Keep your funders informed on the progress of your fundraising and show your appreciation for their donation.
  • Use media
    • Whether it be pictures, videos, or gifs, convey your message in a meaningful way that will make people stop and read.
  • If fundraising with a group, create a sample post or email for all members to use
    • These can be personalized, but having a general template for members to use is helpful for everyone to easily access and to send a unified clear message.
  • Be realistic
    • Set a goal that is obtainable!
  • Be genuine
    • Authenticity is powerful. Let people know how much your cause means to you, and why they should care.
  • Use a catchy name for your fundraiser to hook potential funders
  • Be honest about your campaign and transparent about where the funds will go
    • If you’re fundraising for an existing organization, provide a link to the organization so funders can do their own research.
  • Use shorter deadlines to convey urgency
    • 1-3 month deadlines work well, and can be extended if necessary.
  • Remind potential donors of your cause periodically—don’t let them forget you and your goals!
  • Create a campaign
    • Start a hashtag, post a call to action, or use another method of bringing attention to your cause.